



Meaning in English

Khoy khor number tho ra sab chao dae !

Han kafe yoo sai ?

Hong kin duem yoo sai ?

Hong kin ahan yoo sai ?           

Luam kha ahan song khab.

Luam kha ahan sau nam.

Eun lod taxi hai khoy dae.

Khoy phak saduak sabai dee.   

Chao ouw check dern thang bor ?

khor bill dae.    

Khoy cha chaeng ork yoo sai ? 

Mue uen sau ped mong khoy cha ork dern thang.

Than kuad ka laev bor  

Khoy mee thang mod thau nee  

Khoy tong chai thau dai           

Sing khong lau nee thon sai phasi bor   

Khong thee laluek

Khong khuan hai pheun

Khuang sai suan tua     

Chud pasong khong kan dern thang.

Dan thee ork der thang 

Number bad phan den

Nee man nang sue dern thang khong khoy

Nee man nang sue dern thang khong chao bor ?

Khoy bor mee gnang cheng

Khoy tong peud man bor ?

Nee man kapau dern thang khong khoy 

Nee man kapau dern thang khong phai ?

Khoy pen nak thulakid  

Khoy pen nak thong thiov

Dan phasy yoo sai ?    

Where is the custom’s office?

I am a tourist.

I am a business man.

Whose is this luggage ?

Here is my luggage.

Must I open it ?

I’ve nothing to declare.

Is this your passport ?

Here is my passport.

Passport number.

Port of departure.

Purpose of visit.

Personal effects.

The gift for friend.

A souvenir

Are these things dutiable?

How much must I pay?

This is all I have.

Have you finished?

I’ll leave at 8 a.m tomorrow.

Where am I checking out ?

My bill , please.

Do you take traveller’s checks ?

I’ve enjoy my stay.

Please call a taxi for me.

Breakfast included.

Two meals included.

Where is the dinning room ?

Where is the snak bar ?

Where is the coffee shop ?

Give me your telephone number.